Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sleet and Icy Roads, Good news is the Illusione MK Ultra

Ok let me start off by saying DAM. Our local weather guys couldn't predict rain if they were standing in a hurricane. So I get up early this morning to go in and ship out the orders from last night and you would not believe the roads here. Now let me start by saying the streets looked like the I am Legend movie. Freaking wrecked cars just left on the side of bridges and streets, it was so odd to see so many of them. So it took me about an hour to get but my business partner Paul lives about 5 miles from here but the roads were so bad it took him 3 hours. I drove I-40 and by the time I got to the exit the streets were clear and it was smooth sailing the rest of the way. Now for the good part.

On my last Illusione order Dion sent me a bundle of the new MK Ultra cigars to try and dam let me tell you these are a must have. I really like the regular cg4 blend and size but after getting in the store I poured a cup of personal roast coffee and fired up the Illusione MK Ultra. I could not put it down or stop smoking it. I am on my second cigar in less than 2 hours (yes they are that good), I hope this becomes a regular type release. If you have not tried a Illusione cigar you owe it to yourself to pick up a single.

Sorry for typos and spelling errors but I consider this a free form flowing blog and just type what I am thinking.


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