Friday, August 29, 2008

New Cigars in Stock and aging cigars

Well we finally got in the new 777 Cigars from Jesus Fuego!!! they are a very dark and Medium- Full body Maduro. These cigars are very tasty and I have set a box back to age for a year just to see what happens. I use to set back a box or 2 of everything I could get my hands on but recently I have been smoking more than aging lol. The sad part is when you get cigars that are ok fresh but you have to age them and you sample them throughout a few months and by the time they hit the peak of flavor you only have a few left. So to fix that I normally buy 2 boxes, now unlike some people I do not buy a box hoping they will be good. I have to like the cigar to start with then I will plop the money down to buy boxes to age. Anyway enough about aging cigars I also wanted to let everyone know we also have the Mi Barrio cigars in stock. These limited editions are one of the best new Pepin cigars I have had. Good job to the guys at 601 they have hit it out of the park twice now. The first was the Cubao and now with the Mi Barrio, dam congrats to Erik and Eddie. I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and look for some MAJOR NEWS COMING SOON!!!

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