Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ahhh Christmas Time

I love this time of year! the lights, trees, food, friends and family. I am not going to get on a rant about the Holidays or lack thereof. I would like to just say that Silo Cigars has been blessed with some of the greatest customers in the world. From the deployed Military guys to the locals that stop in every day or so, you guys make this all worth it.

Starting a cigar business in this economic climate and with looming tax legislation (schip) was a risk but with the support of our customers we have been successful. I have always felt that the business should be catered around what the customers want and we listen. The main topics were lower prices, better boutique cigar brands, lifetime warranty cigar accessories, great coffee and a inviting place to sit and smoke. I believe we have done just that and we are always open to suggestions so if you have 1 or 5 let us know lol. Now back to the Christmas Time

The weather is turning colder and it is starting to feel like Christmas time. (hell Vegas got almost 4" of snow, can we get just a little?) At the store we say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays, why? well because we can!! and it is Christmas. We do not feed in to the whole PC vibe that most major stores do and we will always be ourselves. I hope I see the majority of our friends before Christmas but if not, please have a great and safe Christmas!!! I will be enjoying the time with my family in Cookeville on Christmas morning having our traditional family Christmas breakfast!! followed with a awesome cigar with the men folk.

(sorry for any typos, bad grammar or anything else but i really don't check those things lol)

Merry Christmas and be safe.

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